PGA of Alberta Winter Education Update
- Details
- Category: Inside Golf
- Published: 2020-11-27
Spring Seminar 2021
The Education Committee is excited to announce that the 2021 Spring Seminar has been green-lit for operating as a digital education conference due to the ongoing uncertainty associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Switching to a digital conference will allow us to provide a safe education alternative for our Members and provide the opportunity to try some new things in terms of format and technology which will benefit the show for years to come.
The Seminar will be held Monday, February 22nd & Tuesday, February 23rd 2021 via Zoom and supported by a digital app/platform to be determined. The Education Committee has diligently been working through the survey results from last year’s seminar, proposals received from various speakers on relevant industry topics and are looking forward to this year’s line-up. Mark these dates in your calendar now, we hope you plan on attending this annual kick-off to the golf season in an albeit different but still exciting capacity this year!
Introducing: The PGA of Alberta Podcast...
We are equally excited to announce that preliminary work has begun on a new Education initiative for the winter off-season, introducing The PGA of Alberta Podcast which is being spearheaded by the PD Series sub-committee. Topics and Speakers are currently being researched and developed and once they have been decided upon, recording and editing will commence.
The Podcast will have a strong local flavour to it, as we have so many amazing professionals in our Zone that can offer insight and expertise covering a wide range of relevant topics to their peers. Stay tuned for more updates as we progress on this initiative and please feel free to share any help, thoughts or suggestions with any Education Committee member or Aaron McKay (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).