NGCOA Canada Votes In New Board Of Directors & President
- Details
- Category: Inside Golf
- Published: 2020-12-17

OTTAWA, Ontario — On December 8th, during its virtual Annual General Meeting; the membership of the National Golf Course Owners Association (NGCOA) Canada voted in its new Board of Directors with Harry Brotchie of Lakeland Golf Management Inc. (PR) as the new President.
“Being elected as the NGCOA Canada President for the next two years is a great honour. I have been a member of the Association since 1998 and am proud of the tremendous support it provides all golf courses across the country,” stated Harry Brotchie, NGCOA Canada President. “We have assembled a great board and I look forward to working with all of them in continuing the great work that presidents and boards before me have accomplished. While we are optimistic about 2021 and are working to ensure retention of the new rounds played this year, we will also be conscious of challenges ahead of us.”
Harry is a past president of the PGA of Canada and currently on the Golf Canada Hall of Fame selection committee and the Golf Canada Golf Industry Advisor Council and notes "I look forward to working with all of our allied partners to further strengthen the golf industry in Canada."
Harry is joined on the executive by Vice-President, Daniel Pilon, club de golf St-Zotique (QC), Secretary Treasurer, Richard Edmonds, Tangle Creek Golf & Country Club (ON), Past President, Lesley McMahon, Balmoral Golf Course (AB), and ex-officio (non-voting), Jeff Calderwood, CEO, NGCOA Canada. The above Executives and the following 10 Directors make up the NGCOA Canada Board for the next two years:
- Brent Miller, ClubLink Corporation (ON)
- Brian Schaal, Copper Point Golf Club (BC)
- Debra Griffith, Greensmere Golf & Country Club (ON)
- Doug Breen, GolfNorth Properties (ON)
- John DeCorso, Victoria Park East Golf Club (ON)
- Mike DeYoung, Glen Arbour Golf Club (NS)
- Nadia Di Menna, Centre de Golf Le Versant (QC)
- Rick Kindrachuk, Wakaw Lake Regional Park Golf Course (SK)
- Slade King, Play Golf Calgary (AB)
- Steve Spratt, Falcon Ridge Golf Club (ON)
“NGCOA Canada has had a great year. Our approval rating is at an all time high due to our leadership on managing the COVID-19 situation. Membership was up, we added several new member benefits, and our year-end financial results were among the strongest ever,” stated NGCOA Canada CEO, Jeff Calderwood. “On behalf of golf course operators throughout Canada, I would like to thank president Lesley McMahon for her volunteer leadership over these past 2 years, and congratulate incoming president Harry Brotchie who was elected yesterday. Supported by a very dedicated Board of Directors and Staff Team, the NGCOA Canada is well positioned to continue serving the best interests of golf course operators for years to come.”
The Board of Directors provides leadership for carrying out the Association’s mission, which is to provide business support to Canadian golf course operators and related stakeholders, presenting one united voice within the golf course industry.
About NGCOA Canada
The NGCOA Canada is a not-for-profit trade association representing the business interests of Canadian golf course operators and related stakeholders, with a membership of over 1400. Key initiatives include the Golf Business Canada Conference & Trade Show, Spring Warm Up Meetings, Golfmax Purchasing Program, Take A Kid To The Course, GOLFEXPOs, Golfer’s Red Books, Rounds Played Reports, Revenue Tracker, Weather Impact Reports, Compensation & Benefits Reports, Business Consultation, and Government Advocacy.