Short Courses May Be Golf’s Long Game

Learning to play golf sucks. Every golfer reading this has survived, is in recovery from, or is currently knee-deep in the boot camp of block-slicing drives, shanking wedges, and leaving one-foot putts short, all to get better at the game. We didn’t take up golf because it’s easy, though. On the contrary, a masochist lives deep within all of our souls. We understand that beyond the pain — the deep, searing pain of losing six balls in as many holes — lies an opportunity to get better.

For beginning golfers, this can be a breaking point. If you’ve got the money or the time to keep trudging along, you stick it out. But for many, the funnel cracks, and they pour outward, leaving their clubs behind to collect dust in the basement, or to be pawned for a yard-sale fiver in a couple of years.’s Connor Laubenstein believes that a better job needs to be done of getting beginners to stick around. Give them golf’s version of an amuse bouche: shorter courses.

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