PGTAA Now Offers Home-Study Certification

Now in its 25th year, the PGTAA offers certification through their Home-Study Golf Teaching and Learning program which prepares students for careers in the golf instruction industry. Through the PGTAA’s intensive home study program, current and aspiring golf instructors will gain theoretical and practical knowledge in both teaching and learning concepts applicable to golf. Students will come away with many facets of being a golf instructor, including the science of the golf swing, the science of learning, motor skills acquisition, the coaching of adult golfers, teaching youth golfers, and the skills of business for teaching golf.

Successful completion of the Home Study Course, with both the written test and Playing Ability Test (PAT), will confer the designation of a fully certified Class “A” PGTAA Master Teaching Professional.

The Objectives of the PGTAA Program

  • The program’s overall objective is to provide students with the necessary tools to succeed in teaching the game of golf. Students will develop both their instructional skills and abilities, including improvement of their personal game, by integrating the various physical, age-specific, mental and conceptual aspects of golf instruction.
  • The PGTAA embodies an understanding of how learning and motor skill development occur and the differences in teaching children and adults. The PGTAA teaches students best-in-class game improvement solutions for their growing student clientele. Participants will learn how to implement, develop and construct sound, student-centered golf lesson plans that are appropriate to the ages and skill levels of various demographic segments. The course materials provide essential teachings on how to also acquire a framework to further develop their teaching strategies, philosophies, and practices, so they can improve their teaching methods and also mentor less-experienced golf instructors.
  • Students will develop their abilities to analyze and make decisions regarding the management of golf instructional programs, facilities and equipment and staff. Additionally, students will also learn about the proper physical and mental competencies required of golf instructors, and they’ll have the opportunity to demonstrate effective teaching techniques for golf fitness and nutrition.
  • Graduates of the program will also have the OPTION to attend, and explore the concepts and practices they have gained through their studies via our 5-day Onsite course. This is where they can receive hands-on instruction of actually giving lessons, operating the latest teaching software and equipment, a skills assessment, and learning techniques for coaching students. THIS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT FOR BECOMING CERTIFIED AS A PGTAA MASTER TEACHING PROFESSIONAL.

If you are looking to change careers and become a golf teacher, see why you should consider the PGTAA to obtain your certified Class “A” PGTAA Master Teaching Professional designation.

Dr. Barry Lotz PGTAA President 760.335.0600 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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