Speaker Lineup Revealed For 2018 PGA of BC Education Series
- Details
- Category: Inside Golf
- Published: 2017-12-11

(From Left) Matt Palsenbarg (Northview Golf Academy), Arlen Wocknitz (Victoria Golf Club), and Kevin MacDonald Will Be Among The Featured Speakers For The 2018 PGA of BC Education Series Presented By Foresight Sports Canada. (Photo/PGA of BC)
RICHMOND, British Columbia (PGA of BC) — The PGA of BC is pleased to announce the lineup of speakers scheduled to present as part of the Association’s 2018 Education Series presented by Foresight Sports Canada, which returns to four regions of the province in the months ahead.
Topics to be covered during the four events taking place in January through April include business practices within the PGA of BC’s teaching industry, career advancement, financial management, workplace leadership and more.
The seminars are scheduled for Monday, Jan. 22 at Richmond Country Club; Wednesday, Feb. 7 at Victoria Golf Club; Tuesday, March 6 at Gallagher’s Canyon Golf & Country Club; and Monday, April 23 at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort. Registration is now open for all workshops.
Each event will feature a discussion on trends and standards within the teaching sector, the content of which will be based upon results from a comprehensive survey going out to PGA of BC Professionals later this month. All members, whether or not they teach lessons at their facility, will be encouraged to complete the survey to help frame this discussion. Those completing the survey will have an opportunity to obtain Professional Development Program points toward their 2018 Order of Merit total.
All members attending an Education Series event in their home region will earn four (4) PDP points; those travelling to attend an event outside their region will receive six (6) PDP points.
The confirmed events and speakers are as follows:
January 22, 2018, at Richmond Country Club; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Click here to register)
- Career Advancement: Pathways to Becoming a Head Professional – Alan Palmer, Shaughnessy Golf & Country Club; Dale Schienbein, Seymour Golf & Country Club; Dave Zibrik, Point Grey Golf & Country Club
- Lessons Learned: Examining Trends in BC’s Golf Teaching Industry – Matthew Palsenbarg, Northview Golf Academy
- The Game-Changing Ingredient – Kevin MacDonald; Founder, Clarity Success Coaching
February 7, 2018, at Victoria Golf Club; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Click here to register)
- Career Advancement: Pathways to Becoming a Head Professional – Lindsay Bernakevitch, Victoria Golf Club; Bill Kelly, Glacier Greens Golf Course; Jeff Palmer, Highland Pacific Golf Course
- Lessons Learned: Examining Trends in BC’s Golf Teaching Industry – Matthew Palsenbarg, Northview Golf Academy
- Financial and Investment Planning – Gareth Dickson, CFP; Investment Advisor & Associate Portfolio Manager, Odlum Brown Limited
March 6, 2018, at Gallagher’s Canyon Golf & Country Club; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Click here to register)
- Lessons Learned: Examining Trends in BC’s Golf Teaching Industry – Matthew Palsenbarg, Northview Golf Academy
- Creating and Managing a Healthy and Safe Workplace – Jessica Berglund; Senior Manager, Prevention Field Services, WorkSafeBC
- Financial and Investment Planning – Kyle Recksy, BComm.; Associate Portfolio Manager, Odlum Brown Limited
April 23, 2018, at Fairmont Hot Springs Resort; 10 a.m. to noon (Click here to register)
- Lessons Learned: Examining Trends in BC’s Golf Teaching Industry – Jeremy Johnson, Fairmont Hot Springs Resort & Simon Jones, Kimberley Golf Club
- Best Practices in Leadership and Management – Arlen Wocknitz, Victoria Golf Club
Additionally, the 2018 PGA of BC Spring Education Seminar is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 19 and Tuesday, Feb. 20 at Tsawwassen Springs Golf Course. Full event details, including the speaker lineup, will be announced in early January, but registration for the event is now open. Click here to register for the Spring Education Seminar.
The PGA of BC administration team would like to thank all members and invited guests who will be sharing their expertise at these events, presenting sponsor Foresight Sports Canada and all Golf Professionals across the province for their continued support of the Association’s education programming.