Michigan Looking At Cell Phone Scoring To Stop Cheating
- Details
- Category: Inside Golf
- Published: 2019-01-07
According to The Detroit Free Press, the state High School Athletic Association is testing real-time scoring.
Players will use an app allowing both public and rules officials to monitor scores hole-by-hole.
“Making scores public makes it available for all to see, for all to look at and for all to make sure that what is being put in the system actually is what the kids are shooting,” Cody Inglis, the associate director at the MHSAA, told the newspaper. “If a kid is scoring out of his mind, then you can bet that they will attract more attention and eyeballs on them.”
This new approach came after two schools posted scores that were much better than their yearly averages in a regional tournament and advanced to the state tournament.
See the Detroit Free Story HERE.