Golf-Specific Insults Worth Taking To HR


At Golf Digest, where our staff represents a cross section of golf snobs and extended adolescents, golf insults are as plentiful around the office as paper clips. Your hitchy swing, your pretentious attire, the one time you shanked a ball off the protective wall at a driving range — it is not a setting for the hyper-sensitive, or anyone who plumb bobs.

The other day I made the mistake of posting a short swing video, a simple little wedge shot, and I swiftly came under assault for how the clubface slid under the ball at impact. The nickname “Sammy Scoops” has sadly stuck.

It brought to mind that for all the serious harassment that can arise in a workplace setting, your golf identity leaves you exposed in ways your typical HR department can’t really appreciate — unless they’re golfers, too. Among the most sensitive areas:

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