AGA-BC Publishes Best Practices Manual For BC Golf Operations Amidst COVID-19
- Details
- Category: Inside Golf
- Published: 2020-04-21

For Release April 20, 2020
On March 26, 2020, the BC Government issued the following:
“The Provincial Health Officer has ordered some types of businesses to close. Any business or service that has not been ordered to close and is also not identified on the essential service list may stay open if they can adapt their services and workplace to the orders and recommendations of the PHO.”
With over 300 golf courses in all areas of the province, it is critical that all golf operations in British Columbia immediately align with COVID-19 orders, direction and safety protocols mandated by the Provincial Health Office (PHO) and regional health authorities.
Where governments have not mandated the temporary closure of golf courses, such as in BC, golf operators choosing to open must take every health and safety precaution for their team members and customers.
Please click HERE to view Allied Golf Association (AGA) Best Practices Manual For BC Golf Courses.