Vancouver Coastal Health Region CMOs Signs Off For GCs To Open

By iG Editors

If courses needed a clear signal from a health safety official that it was ok to open, they have it.

Golf facilities have been at odds for a few weeks now figuring out;  a) whether to be open for business at all  b) if yes, how to go about it and; equally importantly, c) how is this going to be viewed by the medical community?

Through a lot of consultation and efforts from many sources, the first two elements seem to have been resolved by a number of British Columbia golf courses. And now it looks as though the all-important 3rd element is also in place.

In an open letter distributed by Dr. Mark Lysyshyn, the Deputy Chief Medical Health Officer for Vancouver Coastal Health, the approving nod from the appropriate authority has been given. Provided, of course, everybody behaves themselves and acts accordingly. Below is the letter by Dr. Lysyshyn outlining what is expected to maintain this freedom and welcome boost for both the physical and mental wellbeing of many British Columbians. 

Office of the Chief Medical Health Officer
0800 - 601 West Broadway
Vancouver, BC V5Z 4C2
Tel : 604-675-3900
Fax : 604-731-2756

April 16, 2020

To whom it may concern,

Re: Operating golf courses in the Vancouver Coastal Health region during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Provincial Health Officer has not issued any orders requiring the closure of golf courses as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, Vancouver Coastal Health has not recommended the closure of outdoor recreation facilities such as golf courses, parks or playgrounds.

If golf courses wish to operate in the current context, they must not operate their restaurant(s) for more than take out service, they must not offer personal services (eg. massage etc.) and must not host mass gatherings involving more than 50 people (but could have more than 50 people on site if social distancing is being observed).

They should provide hand washing facilities and ensure people are able to follow social distancing recommendations to stay 2 meters apart while on site. Staff or participants who are sick should be sent home.

Golf courses should follow their routine cleaning practices with enhanced cleaning of high-touch surfaces and shared items such as rental equipment. There may be additional measures specific to the golf environment that golf courses can implement to further reduce risk COVID-19 transmission.

For further information on COVID-19, please visit:

Please feel free to share this information with other golf courses in the Vancouver Coastal Health region.


Mark Lysyshyn MD MPH FRCPC
Deputy Chief Medical Health Officer
Vancouver Coastal Health