Nomination Period Open For 2020 PGA of BC Awards
- Details
- Category: Inside Golf
- Published: 2020-07-06

The PGA of BC is pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the Association's 2020 Awards Program.
Nominations may be submitted by members of the PGA of BC and the general public in recognition of excellence on the part of a member Golf Professional, Facility or Sales Representative.
Please see below for both the categories of awards and a link to the nomination form.
Nominations are accepted for awards in the following categories:
- Dick Munn Golf Professional of the Year
- Fred Wood Class "A" Professional of the Year
- Jock McKinnon Apprentice Professional of the Year
- Cec Ferguson Executive Professional of the Year
- Golf Facility of the Year
- Alvie Thompson Teacher of the Year
- Ben Colk Golf Shop of the Year
- Jack McLaughlin Junior Golf Leader of the Year
- Herb Paterson Sales Representative of the Year
- Jack Westover Coach of the Year
- Davie Black Professional Development Award
Please click here to access the nomination form and make your submissions.
More detailed information and criteria are available on the PGA of BC Awards Program page.
Nominations for all awards will close Friday, Aug. 14 at 4 p.m. PT.
Regional Nominating Committees will consider all nominations in each category and select a Regional Recipient in each to be put forward as provincial finalists.
As in previous years, the BC Zone will be defined by four geographic regions for the purposes of the Awards Program:
- Lower Mainland
- Vancouver Island
- Interior
- Kootenays/North
The names of the finalists, along with supporting information, will be forwarded to a Final Selection Panel consisting of previous provincial award recipients. The Panel's vote, along with a formulated calculation with the membership's votes, will determine the Provincial Recipient in each category. If eligible, these recipients will be British Columbia's nominee submitted for corresponding PGA of Canada National Awards where applicable.
Please be advised that, as in past years, PGA of BC members and facilities are strongly discouraged from soliciting nominations via social media, email campaigns or other methods of communication.
Additionally, the recipients of three other awards will be determined by the PGA of BC Administration and Board of Directors:
- Jim Gibson Patron of the Year
- Dunc Sutherland Distinguished Service Award
- Arv Olson Media Personnel of the Year
The 2020 PGA of BC Awards Celebration presented by Replay Golf Supplies & Tribal will honour this year's Regional and Provincial Recipients on Wednesday, Oct. 14. More details about this event will be made available in coming months.
We encourage all PGA of BC Professionals and friends to nominate a candidate in each category, and wish the best of luck to all members, facilities and industry partners.